But the problem with having only 'the one' soul-bag is that it makes you feel a constant dissatisfaction with yourself and your life as it is... Unfortunately we are constantly looking for that perfect 'bag', the bag in which you may never find...
So, I got to thinking...How do we assign value to people in our lives the same way we do to material things such as the perfect handbag and shoes?... Do people have a value or just a title? And just like your perfect handbag will be replaced by next seasons Wang, will your soulmate?
I would like to think that people have more than one great handbag and more than one soulmate, I am incredibly lucky, I have already found three... L,B&Y. Sometimes without even knowing, your perfect bag may already be sitting in your drobe. Sometimes, just sometimes we are lucky enough to have our best friends as our soul mates and our man-bags as exactly that.... a necessary tool and style accessory.