All this fur and the freezing cold weather is making me want to go hunting.... ok maybe not that far but it is definately giving me a vintage spree itch!
These are for you J! I know you will mesmorise over them for hours.
I totally admit to doing the occasional late night walk home with pumps in hand.... but when it comes to committing a true crime... that I would definitely do in style....
Today marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War.Today is a day of remembrance....
When it comes to remembering certain moments in fashion, we tend to cringe when we are reminded of certain fads, there are those you wished would stay forever and those you wish had never been released.
So, I got to thinking... There is really no such thing as a “bad trend” because in fashion you are able to take different looks and make it work for you in your own individual way.
Perhaps It doesn’t really matter what the trend is or what the look is -you have got to have one on your back.... so as much as I can not stand 'FLURO FREAKS' I can appreciate that a very tini tiny portion of our population could quite possibly rock its socks off!
So gals, here is something else to remember and lest we forget- the 'store', 'keeps' and 'buys' of 2010.
Wanna be starting somthin'
ciao bella
Embellished Shoulders and Shoulder Pads made a ginormous come-back from the 80's last Summer.... As much as I am loving them sick, unfortunately main streamers have grabbed a massive hold of them as of late and there beginning to look totally D.O.N.E! If your going to keep them alive in your drobe for winter, I say pop your own under a vintage knit or keep them simple sharp and clean in a crisp Jacket.
Old School Surf Brands- Keep! Twist the look with something super PREPPY! H.A.W.T!Military Boots- It would be rude of me to deny them today.. BUY!
S&B- Is totally on the over kill right now- STORE!ANYTHING SCULL- BUY, KEEP AND GET IT OUT OF STORAGE NOW!Leopard- Total trend over kill in the last month- don't store it but maybe just stick to accessories for now. WANG IT LIKE THIS!
Sock time- I DIE!.......BUY!
Feather Headbands- DITCH! Its all about hats this season...
This is my only exception of FLURO. If you can't ROCK IT LIKE this..... burn it!
GOOD BYE LEATHER FRINGING!DARK ROOTS, LIGHT ENDS- I don't know if its the simple fact that I don't have to pay hundreds at the salon anymore or just that it looks so effortless...unfortunately its everywhere at the moment... but I can't tire of it.. I.L.O.V.E.Thigh highs- They will never be found in my storage.