Well, I hate to break it too you gals but you all do! You cant live through this season with out a staple BF hanging in your closet.
If only finding a stylish BF was as easy as a BF blazer- the most interesting BFB's I have come across are generally vintage.
I suggest you invest in one LUST HAVE black blazer that can be worn season in season out. Keep it simple and structured.
And as for this season on trend purchase- go pin stripe- print or bright. An easy trend update- add double shoulder pads to a vintage find, a statement jeweled belt and you will be more hot than any BF I you have ever had.
One to watch- Noica Omero
A 2009 East Sydney fashion grad- +ian noica+
I want to EAT this Candy striped Jacket!
Here are a some of my fav looks.
ciao bella