It's all any body wants right? A clean slate... A breathe of fresh air... a new beginning...
Who gets too determine when the 'now' will end and the new will begin... yes, it is my job to tell us what you will be wearing next season, what colours and what prints, what jewels, bags and what shoes... but those are the small things in life... right?
They are not noted on the calendar, they are not like a birthday or a new year... but new things are things that change us, ideally they give us hope... a new way of living, and a new way of looking at the world. They are a way of letting go of where you are now, taking a leap and grabbing onto what you want next... In saying this, we have to remember that there are always those special things and those very special people that are worth holding onto...and everything else will eventually become insignificant.
There is a new kid on the block, watch out Freja and Abby...Newcastle gal' Claudia Muller (16), is hailing from down-under and about to come banging down your new yorrrrwwwwk doors....
We wont be letting this little fish go...
Ciao bella
(1st Test shoot)