

Playing the dating game can be a little difficult at times.
Each man has different rules, statistics and strategies, some are hands on like TWISTER, a mystery like CLUDO and some are just waiting to be flicked like a line of DOMINOS.
But we all agree to participate so that eventually we gain the upper hand and win a much deserved heart.
So, I was thinking, when is the best time to make your move and check mate your game player and if more than a year later the game never seems to be ending, are we strong enough to give in and walk away for good....

Games, we have all played and been played but at the end of the day it turns out, there not so fun after all.

Its time to get your game on, check mate your dress girls! Just in time for winter the checks are back! If your game enough, play with mixing two checks in one look.
For a super quick update, pop into GORMAN and pick up the organic CHECK scarf. It has different size checks on either side and looks super adorable with just about everything!!!


ciao bella